I will share some personal testimonies over the last 44 years. While there are hundreds of testimonies, I will try to pick out one or two for each year that relates to Jerusalem and some that deal with judgments that will transpire in the world before the coming of the Lord.
They are a testament to a loving, faithful, caring, and dependable God who has provided my every need through different methods.
All the events that I share are 100% true; however, some of the dates may be approximate.
I will share some dreams I recorded before certain events happened, and as the Lord leads me, I may share some that are still to come.
These testimonies will not be in chronological order but will be dated with exact dates or approximate times and seasons.
I pray my testimonies will encourage the reader and show beyond a shadow of a doubt that where God guides, God provides.
The Holy Spirit uses many methods of communicating with the body of Christ. Please do not put God in a religious box and miss what He is trying to do for you.
Be led by God’s peace in everything you do. God is not the author of confusion. If you don’t have peace about something, Stop and wait upon the Lord.
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
The First Epiphany 7-7-77 was on July 7th, 1977
When this first epiphany occurred, I stayed overnight at a friend’s house. Early the next morning, July 7th, while sleeping, I had a vision of a tremendous light.
On awakening, I tried to explain this powerful experience to my friend, but I could not think of a good explanation to describe the power of this light. Not having any knowledge of Christ, at this point, I was left to my imagination of how to explain this experience in words.
The First Epiphany:
This morning, I traveled through the center of my mind.
The darkness became light. I shaded the brilliance.
All of my questions are now answered, yet they are still not explainable.
All of my fantasies are now reality.
The length of my journey is immeasurable.
The depth of my journey, inconceivable.
The temperature, unimaginable.
Yes, I have endured, this morning I have traveled through the center of my mind.
This all occurred on my 30th birthday, and the date was 7-7-77.
I was also inspired to write this poem entitled “Be a Friend”.
“Be a Friend.”
No man should lay by the wayside as if to be a mere discarded article.
Be my tender-revive my spirit.
Make me happy once again.
Repair the worn edges of my woven will,
with Oh so easy kind words.
Nourish my humor with the simplest of jest.
Reward me these pleasures, and I promise you indeed,
I will be right beside you in your time of need.
Three years after this experience, I was born again.
You can read my testimony under the Clarion Call on the website.
I often thought about my first epiphany experience after I was born again and wondered if that was God, who appeared to me on July 7th, 1977.
It wasn’t until July 1st, 1984, that the Lord confirmed that He first visited me on 7-7-77.
1980—Born again testimony—You can read my testimony about this experience under the “Clarion Call” tab on the front page.
1981- The Prison Ministry
August 1981: The prison ministry—In August 1981, while I was in prayer, the Lord spoke to me in that still small voice, “I want you to minister to prisoners.”
Not only did I not feel worthy to be a minister, being saved for only one year, but I wasn’t so sure I could match the task.
I knew the scriptures in 1Timothy 3:2-7 concerning a bishop,
“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
(for if a man knows not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
not a novice, lest being lifted with pride, he falls into the devil’s condemnation.
Moreover, he must have a good report of them without, lest he fall into reproach in the devil’s snare”.
That said, that did not negate that I had humbled myself with much fasting, watching, and reading God’s word the first year, and I still heard that small voice, “I want you to minister to prisoners.”
I told my pastor, Ruben Adkins, what the Lord wanted me to do. He replied, ”That’s a special ministry and scripturally based,” and blessed me.
Now, all I had to do was pray and find some prisoners.
It seemed like a very simple process as they only kept prisoners in one place: jail.
I found out the first day that it was not that simple. I called the local and county jails in Palm Beach County, Florida, and nobody wanted me to come and minister. I thought this was a perfect time to ask, “Are you sure you want me to minister to prisoners, Lord?”
After doing some serious plowing in prayer, I did get an answer from the Lord, but the answer He gave me quickly left me with more questions than when I had begun to pray.
The Lord said, “Be baptized, fast 21 days, and be present in my house at the appointed time.” Wow, how exciting, except for the 21 days of fasting!
I have to admit I started to question if I had heard from the Lord or if it was the subtlety of Satan.
I knew the scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:10, where the apostle Paul wrote, “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.”
I was a little perplexed because even though I had fasted for seven days several times the first year, a 21-day fast seemed like a big stretch.
Nevertheless, the Lord gave me confirmation throughout the fast that it was an ordained fast.
My pastor baptized me, and I began the fast.
I did not speak with anyone about the fast.
From the beginning, my pastor was the only one who knew what the Lord had spoken to me, and we never spoke with each other about the fast again until the fast was over.
The first week of the fast went well, but that was about to change.
As I started into the second week, the opposition started to come through my parents, who knew nothing about the fast but were noticing that I was losing weight and getting too thin.
When I started the fast, I weighed only 165 pounds, and because I was only drinking water, I lost about a pound each day.
Things at work were also getting a little harder.
By the end of the second week, my parents were unhappy that I only weighed 150 pounds.
I earnestly sought the Lord and asked Him to help me through the last week and if He could do it without me losing any more weight.
I finished the last week of the fast with much opposition, but at the end of the 21 days, I still weighed 150 pounds.
It was nothing short of a miracle, but only the start of the great things the Lord would do for me through fasting and prayer.
The fast was ending on Saturday evening at midnight, so I stayed at the church in a spare bedroom to avoid distractions at home.
I woke up Sunday morning, showered, shaved, dressed, and entered the sanctuary.
The service was powerful, and pastor Adkins was very anointed, as usual.
After the service, I talked to several people standing by the altar when a middle-aged man approached me and said, “Excuse me, my name is Oscar Potter; I understand you want to go into the prison ministry?” “I said, that’s what the Lord told me to do.”
He said, “Thank God! I have been looking for someone to accompany me to Loxahatchee Road Prison so that I can minister to the prisoners.”
(Oscar had walked into the church’s vestibule as people were leaving and asked a young lady from the church if the church had a prison ministry.
The young lady who was a very close friend of mine and knew about the prison ministry calling that I had received but not about the fast the Lord had put me on said, “No, but there is someone named Brother Greg still in the church that you should speak with.”)
Oscar said to me as we stood by the altar, “Brother Greg, I was on the way to another church, which is a good distance from our church in West Palm Beach, when the Lord said these words: “Church of God Georgia Ave.” I heard that still small voice, but I continued on my way.
As I approached the church I wanted to visit, the Lord spoke to me again in that still small voice, “Church of God Georgia Ave,” but I continued.
I arrived at the church, parked my car, and entered it. The Lord spoke to me again, but in a much stronger and authoritative voice: “Church of God Georgia Ave.”
Then I knew that the Lord was not speaking about going to the Church of God on some future date but was telling me to go right away.”
He arrived at my church just as the service ended but right on time for a divine appointment concerning me and the ministry the Lord had chosen for me to serve in.
Oscar and I went to his home and enjoyed a time of sharing and fellowship.
We started ministering at the prison, faithfully taught, and had fellowship twice a week.
After a few years, Oscar moved to another state to finish his education.
Ultimately, he received a Ph.D. in horticulture, which he used effectively when preaching and teaching.
Some years later, he returned to West Palm Beach and started a small church.
I continued at the prison for 15 years while preaching and teaching at the West Palm Beach Church of God.
At the end of 1995, Brother Potter called me, which was not unusual, except that the call came at midnight.
In 15 years, he had never called my home so late.
The call woke me from a dream in which the Lord had instructed me that He was finished with me at the prison, and He now wanted me to serve Him in a different capacity as an intercessor.
Brother Potter immediately apologized for calling so late and asked if he could start going back to the prison. I told Brother Potter, “Don’t worry about the time of your call, as the call was of the Lord.”
I told Brother Potter that the Lord had just told me that he was finished with me at the prison in the dream I had when he called.
I told Brother Potter, “Yes, you can start back at the prison this week.”
The Lord blessed me for 15 years in the prison ministry and allowed me to see the fruit of my labor.
Right after I left the prison ministry, two of my best students were released from prison and went on to find good employment, got married, and became ministers of the Gospel.
They both have been ministering now in different prisons for many years.
The Lord has been so good to me and my family.
1982- First revelation of nuclear war
It was on a Saturday morning in 1982, just before the dawning of the day, I was translated in a vision to the pinnacle of the highest mountain in one of the western states of the United States of America, whether in the body I could not tell, or whether out of the body, I could not tell, God knows.
The scene before me was breathtaking. There were no clouds, and it was as if my eyesight was supernatural; I could see for many miles. I could see many homes below, many with their lights on.
As I beheld this scene and wondered what it meant, suddenly, further west of me, there was a nuclear explosion. The entire sky turned a reddish-orange as a yellowish-white mushroom cloud arose.
I could see the shock wave as it traveled away from the explosion and raced in every direction away from the explosion. As the shock wave reached me, I was awakened.
I recorded the revelation on a tape recorder and wrote it in a book that I used solely to record dreams, visions, and any revelation I might receive from the Lord.
I was aware that not all dreams come from God, but I also knew that if a dream was from God and a warning, He would confirm it by at least two or three witnesses.
Some hours later that morning, I visited my mother, who lived only ten minutes away, just as a weekly visit.
A usual greeting when I knocked and she opened the door would be, “Hi Greg, and a kiss on the cheek,” but when she opened her door and saw me that morning, she had a troubled look on her face and immediately said, “Greg, it was a nuclear explosion, and I don’t want to die.”
I was taken aback because no one knew about the revelation I had received that morning. I visited her for about 30 minutes and explained the revelation to her.
After leaving my mother’s house, I thought visiting an old friend in the same neighborhood would be nice. After arriving at the friend’s house, I realized that it wasn’t my thinking but more of God’s leading that led me to my friend’s house.
When I knocked on Sherry’s door, she opened the door with the words, “Greg, it was a nuclear explosion and I don’t want to die”.
Sherry knew my mother but had not talked to her for perhaps weeks.
These were the exact words my mother had spoken to me 30 minutes earlier.
From that moment, I knew that the revelation I had received would surely come to pass someday.
1983- I Am sending you away
1984- It was in the summer
It was 1984, in the last week of June, when the Lord began speaking something to me that was so profound that I had wondered about it over the previous seven years. With just one statement, He cleared up every bit of wondering what I had done for the last seven years.
After He made the statement, He went on to give me some precise instructions.
I had wondered about this for the last seven years, especially the last four years since I became a Christian, until I had an epiphany on 7/7/77, my 30th birthday, three years before I became a Christian.
The Lord began by giving me a mandate: ” Fast for seven days beginning on July 1 and finishing on July 7 because it will be seven years since I first visited you.”
What an explosion of thoughts I had about God’s greatness that He visited me even when I didn’t know Him.
If that was all He had to say, I could have gone to church alone. The testimonials tell about The First Epiphany.
After assimilating the greatness of God’s love, it was time to note these specific instructions. He told me to fast for seven days, having nothing but water.
Up to this point, it sounded like many other 7-day fasting mandates He had given me over the last four years, but that was about to change dramatically.
He says that on the seventh day, I was to pray for seven hours and that I should be at a Holiday Inn near Wimauma, Florida.
He did not say if you could get a room; he said explicitly that I was to be in room #7 and He would meet me there.
I had never been to Wimauma, Florida, but I had heard the name at church because that was where the Church of God would hold camp meetings.
Being only four years old as a Christian and having never been to a camp meeting, I supposed that the Lord wanted me to go to a camp meeting and speak to me through the Saturday night speaker or perhaps through some other minister in attendance.
As I heard Him speak to me, it almost seemed that I may have thought, Lord, why don’t you tell me what you want me to know without driving a few hundred miles, gas, and a motel?
After serving Him for 31 years, I am glad God’s thoughts are higher than mine. This was not the first time I mentally felt like challenging the Lord’s reasoning, and it certainly was not the last time.
To this very day, as I am sitting here in Jerusalem, getting ready to make a strategic move to another location in the city, I feel like saying, “Are you sure, Lord?” Nevertheless, one thing I am sure about is that the Lord’s way is perfect and full of purpose.
The instructions were very clear, and it seemed important that I follow them exactly as He instructed me.
I started by calling the Holiday Inn’s main number to find a Holiday Inn that was closest to the Church of God campgrounds in Wimauma, Florida.
When I contacted the nearest Holiday Inn, I asked if room number 7 was available on July 7. The clerk said it was, made a reservation, and gave me a confirmation number.
She gave me some general directions, but I was sure I could get the best route from people at the church that had been going for years.
That should not be written in stone because sometimes church people don’t know the right way or enough preaching.
Now, I am at church, and I asked some people who have been going to the camp meetings for years, and they told me the short way to get to the Holiday Inn.
OK, now I have two ways to get to the motel: short and long. Since this is the Lord’s plan, I thought I should ask Him which way He would like me to go.
It’s nice to know that God has the answer before we have the question.
I foolishly feel so spiritual and full of God’s Word that I know that God doesn’t want me to waste time and gas. I feel sure that God will choose the shorter route, but when I asked Him which path I should take, He said, “Go the long way.”
Yes, God does have a sense of humor, but He also has a solemn purpose for everything he does.
He wanted me to arrive at an exact time.
Long story short, I fasted the first six days; now, it was the morning of the seventh day.
I felt energized and started heading west from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, where I lived. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive.
I prayed from when I left until I pulled into the motel’s driveway and completed half of my seven-hour prayer mandate.
I assumed I would check in at the lobby, pick up my key, and go to my room to pray. Then, I would go to the camp meeting to hear the evening speaker.
As I was pulling into the motel’s parking lot, I noticed several people standing by a car that was being jacked up to replace a flat tire.
Because two people standing by the car were women, I thought maybe I should go to the car and see if I could help them.
I quickly reevaluated the situation, considering that I hadn’t eaten for seven days and had just done a lot of driving and praying. I should check in first; they might be done when I exited the lobby.
I did not want to change a tire but thought I might help.
I am in the lobby, standing at the desk, and the lady on the other side of the counter greets me and asks, “Can I help you?” I say, “I am Rev. Stevenson. I have a reservation for today in room #7.”
She turns around, looks at the key slots, and lets out a big sigh as if there is a problem.
In an instant, the last seven days rushed through my mind, and how everything had gone according to the instructions the Lord had given me; what could be wrong?
It’s impossible. I thought something could be wrong, I told the lady as she turned back to face me.
“What is the problem?” She said, “There is somebody in that room.”
I said, “How can that be? I have a reservation and a confirmation number.”
She had no idea what I had been through over the last seven days, and I certainly wasn’t going to tell her.
I paused for a moment and let her explain how this problem occurred.
She said, ” The man in room #7 was supposed to leave by 11 a.m. this morning but decided to stay for one more day, and she couldn’t put him out.”
I was a little distressed, but I thought I would be in room #7 if I were supposed to be there.
I asked the lady if I could take another room and, if something happened that made the room available if she would move me from the room I was in into room #7, and she said, “No problem.”
As she was getting ready to give me the key to another room, the man standing by the car with the flat tire in the parking lot walked into the lobby. Before getting to the desk, he told the lady getting ready to hand me the key, “Sorry, I am not going to need #7 for another day after all.”
“We had a flat tire when we came out today, and we just had the tire changed, so we decided to go home. As he handed the key to the lady, I politely took it from his hand and said, “Thank you; God bless you!”
After the lady had changed her paperwork, I walked outside and introduced myself to the man in #7, standing with several people.
When I found out that he was at the Camp meeting for several days and was a member of the Church of God.
I told him I was sorry that he had gotten a flat tire, but it was all necessary because I was a minister with the Church of God, and the Lord wanted me to meet with Him in that exact room on July 7th.
Well, we had church right there in the parking lot.
They went on their way, and I went into room #7 and completed the balance of the seven hours that the Lord had appointed for me to complete that day.
With all my praying completed, it was time to go to the Camp meeting.
It was Saturday evening, and I was excited that I was going to my first camp meeting. I was also getting excited that I would be able to have breakfast in the morning.
Now, something unexpected was getting ready to happen.
I left the room, and the Lord said, “Where are you going?” I told him, “I am going to the camp meeting to hear the Saturday evening speaker, and I mentioned his name.” The Lord shocked me with his next statement. He said, “Who is he?”
I stood there speechless outside the door, thinking, are you kidding me, Lord? You don’t know so and so; he is one of the most outstanding men of God that the Church of God has ever known.
Within seconds, the Lord opened my understanding of what He was saying and what He wanted me to do.
The Lord wanted me to stay there with Him, and when I fully realized what He wanted, I went back into the room, worshiped Him, and had a good night’s sleep.
When I woke up, I was very excited about having breakfast, and I did.
I prayed and did a lot of meditation on the long drive home.
God’s ways are so much higher than ours.
Why did the Lord make me drive halfway across Florida to meet Him in a motel? I suppose He needed my way out of town so I wouldn’t be interrupted by anyone.
I thought about these things all the way home. When I arrived home, I bathed and thought I should attend our Sunday evening service at the West Palm Beach Church of God.
It didn’t take me a few minutes to cancel those plans, as I was feeling really tired and weak, having just ended seven days of fasting and driving earlier that morning.
I was the only one at home, I walked out of the guest bathroom and my daughter’s bedroom is just across the hall with the door open and bed made, I had a thought, ”let me just lay down and think about this whole experience that had taken place over the last week.” I walked into her room and laid on her bed.
I only planned on lying there for a few minutes while thinking about the mandate. I looked at my daughter’s wall in front of her bed, which looked like a typical teenager’s room.
She was a cheerleader and had pompoms on the wall, pictures, and memorabilia. I think she even had a poster of Michael Jackson.
As I was thinking about the whole mandate and staring at the wall, suddenly, the whole wall became a technicolor scene. I was flying bodily over the desert in Israel. I couldn’t see myself, but I was flying.
I knew I was in an open vision and awake in my daughter’s room.
As I flew, I heard the voice of the Lord say, ” Where is Hebron?” I swooped down, reached into the desert sand, pulled up a model of the city of Hebron, and said to the Lord, ” Here’s Hebron.”
I saw my arms and hands as my body’s first and only part. As soon as I told the Lord, ” Here’s Hebron!” He whisked me away and said, ” Where is Jerusalem?”
As He said that, it was like I felt a rush of speed, and in an instant, I was banking over on one side, and I saw Jerusalem in a moment, and I said, ” Here’s Jerusalem!”
As soon as I said, ” Here’s Jerusalem!” the vision was gathered up into a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand only for what seemed to be a second, but I could see my daughter’s wall again.
Then, suddenly, the little cloud popped open into another vision.
The second vision, which took up the entire wall, was technicolor.
I was walking down the aisle in my church, and my pastor, Ruben Adkins, played unbelievably angelic piano music. As I approached the altar, I saw 88 cents on the carpet just before it.
Then, the vision ended, and I could see my daughter’s wall again.
To begin with, pastor Adkins never played the piano, and I didn’t know any human that could have played such angelic music. Regarding the 88 cents on the floor, I could only connect it to Psalm 88:10.
The next day, I went to work as a customer service engineer for a company called Diebold. I drilled open a safe deposit box for a local bank, and when we opened the box, it had 88 cents inside and nothing else.
Perhaps the 88 cents represented pastor Adkin’s age when he would go to be with the Lord.
Pastor Adkins also preached that he would be alive when the rapture occurred.
Nevertheless, he passed away on March 10, 2013, at 85 years old.
However, his wife Joan passed away on December 14 at the age of 88
Psalms 88:10 also mentions the resurrection. Nevertheless, the experience was powerful, and only time can fully reveal the interpretation.
1985- Second revelation of nuclear war
In 1985, I had a vivid dream in full color, sharp and clear.
I was standing at the beach on the east coast of Florida. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I was a few hundred yards from the water’s edge.
I saw some bleachers or grandstands like you would see at a high school sports event, perhaps watching a football game or field and track event.
The bleachers were right at the water’s edge, full of people talking and laughing, seemingly having fun.
It was as if they were there to watch some event like a boat race or water sports event.
Strangely, nothing happened before them, but they sure seemed to be reveling and having a good time.
As I beheld this sight, I saw a surfaced Russian nuclear submarine move into the scene and go right past the crowd of people that were in the bleachers.
As the submarine passed in front of the bleachers, the people continued to revel as if they had not seen the submarine or understood its significance.
As the submarine passed, I saw a young man walk from underneath the bleachers toward me.
I recognized the man as a young Spanish man living close to my church. His name was also Greg, and he attended a Spanish-speaking church. However, he occasionally came to our morning service to worship with us.
In the dream, he walked up to me with a very troubled countenance but did not say anything, and the dream ended. It was Sunday morning when I had the dream and recorded it in a book before leaving for church.
I was surprised to see Greg at our church that morning because he had not been there for several months.
We greeted each other with pleasantries when he walked up to me in the vestibule. Then I told him about the dream and wondered if there was something he wanted to share with me.
I did not have to wonder anymore because as soon as I told him about the dream, he said, “I have something I want to give you after service.”
When service was over, he walked to his house just around the corner. A few minutes later, I drove to his house to see what he wanted to give me.
When I pulled up to his house, he came out of the van and handed me a paperback book by David Wilkerson entitled “Set thy Mouth to the Trumpet.” I opened it, and on the heading of the page, it said, “The Destruction of America.”
This was a solid confirmation of the dream I had earlier that morning, and it was clear to me that Russia would be involved in some way, either directly or through the use of their weapons, with an attack on the United States of America.
1987- First 40 days and 40 nights of fasting
In 1985, in my home, I heard a small voice say, “You are going to have to fast 40 days and 40 nights.” I heard it clearly but quickly dismissed it as one of those many voices the Apostle Paul speaks about in his letter to the Corinthians (I Cor.14:10).
I knew what I heard, but I could not figure out why I would ever have to do such a thing. I deleted that message from my mind and never thought about it again.
Then, in 1986, on two different occasions, months apart, I heard that same voice inside me saying, ”You are going to have to fast 40 days and 40 nights”.
The first time I heard the voice in 1986, I dismissed it pretty quickly again as I did in 1985, but the second time in 1986, when I heard that still small voice repeat the same message, I thought, well, perhaps the Lord is looking for a response of some sort from me?
The only response He received from me was that I did not even want to think about such a thing. I put it out of my mind because I could not even imagine why He would ever ask me to do such a thing.
Too Crazy! Well, as it turned out, it was just another time I was not getting the signal about something that would change my life.
It was now 1987, and I was in Cleveland, Tennessee, to be set forth as a licensed minister.
I had completed all the required studies and passed the tests, and now, I was going to be set forth with about seven hundred other ministers from all over the United States and other countries.
I believe I was scheduled to stay two days. I stayed at a nice motel near the North Cleveland Church of God.
When we finished all the formalities, there was a Church service that evening at the North Cleveland Church of God.
I was back at the motel, thinking that I didn’t need to go to the service, and if I could get a flight out that evening, it would be best if I got back early for my children.
It was still a couple of hours before the evening service, so while at the motel, I called Delta Airlines to see if I could change my ticket and leave a day early.
The young lady was very polite and said, “No, you can’t leave tonight.” I said, “Are you telling me that I am a prisoner here in Cleveland, Tennessee?”
She replied with a Tennessee accent, “Yes, sir, you are a prisoner here.” She chuckled and said, “Have a good evening.”
So, I was soon at the North Cleveland Church of God with about 700 other ministers. The pastor walked to the pulpit, opened his Bible, and said, “I, the prisoner of the Lord.”
The Lord had my undivided attention, and I reflected on my conversation with the Delta representative. I felt I was right where God wanted me to be.
I hung on to every word the pastor said because I felt confident He had a personal message for me.
The pastor’s message was full of meat, enlightening, encouraging, and instructive, but there was something more than the sermon. I still could not grasp what the Lord was saying to me personally.
It was all good, but He was not quickening anything specifically that was a revelation. Nevertheless, I couldn’t deny the pastor’s opening words, which spoke to my spirit man. I realized that I was there as a prisoner of the Lord.
After the service ended, I went to a restaurant for dinner alone because I felt I needed to be alone with the Lord.
When I finished my meal, the Lord said,” Trust in the Lord with all thine heart..”.
I knew the rest of the scripture, but He didn’t say anything more than ”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”. I meditated on the words He spoke and then wrote them down. I left the restaurant and went back to the motel.
I couldn’t get that scripture out of my mind. I got ready for bed and knelt to pray. I remember assuring the Lord several times in my prayer that I trusted Him with all my heart.
I still had no clue why He was giving me that scripture. When I finished praying, I went to bed and slept.
About two hours into my sleep, I woke up from a very vivid dream that was so clear it was troubling.
In the dream, two ladies conversed, but I only heard one lady tell the other, “Greg has to fast 40 days and 40 nights.” That’s when I woke up. I immediately got out of bed and knelt to pray.
I felt very troubled by the dream for several reasons.
Of course, instantly, I remembered the three times I had heard those words spoken and how lightly I took them and dismissed them without any meditation.
Meditation was about to become a vital spiritual tool I would use for the rest of my life.
I am on my knees, and a thousand reasons are going through my mind that if this dream is from God, He is asking me to do something seemingly impossible.
I had two children at home that I had a responsibility to raise. Their mother was killed in an automobile accident when they were young.
I was critically injured in a horrific auto accident in 1979 in which the driver was paralyzed from the neck down, and I was not expected to live at all. What about my job? That could put me in jeopardy.
I was very well aware that the devil could give someone a dream like this to get them to push ahead of God’s will.
Before getting up from my knees, I had to tell the Lord I was sorry, but I would need something stronger than two ladies telling me to do something that seemed impossible.
I ask the Lord if He could do it again, meaning a confirming dream. I got back in bed and eventually fell asleep. An hour later, I woke up from another very vivid dream.
The second dream was the same as the first, except the two women were different, but the message was the same: Greg had to fast for 40 days and 40 nights.
I was more troubled after the second dream than I was with the first dream. There is not much to go on.
First, I didn’t know any of these ladies in the dream, and second, there was never any mention of when this fast would occur.
Now, I am starting to feel like Abraham pleading with the Lord over Sodom and Gomorrah, wondering how many times I dare ask for another confirmation.
Only now, I realize that He has spoken to me three times since 1985 that I was going to have to fast 40 days and 40 nights,
He undoubtedly confirmed that I was a prisoner of the Lord. He gave me the first dream, and I asked Him to give me another confirmation, and He did.
He gave me another dream with the same message, but he used different women in the second dream so I would know I wasn’t just having the same dream.
I am feeling boxed in at this point with no escape, and I suppose that is the way a prisoner is supposed to feel. Nevertheless, I asked God to be merciful to me and give me just one more confirmation.
I got into bed but didn’t fall asleep so quickly. Well, I had another dream right after I fell asleep.
The third dream was the same topic as the first two dreams, but now my Pastor Ruben Adkins told me, “Greg, you have to fast 40 days and 40 nights, and you are to start on May 28 this year. I got out of bed and worshiped the Lord.
The Lord had established His will for me. I went back to bed and slept till the morning. I flew back to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, where I lived, and started a process of accomplishing what the Lord directed me to do.
With only several days before May 28th and not wanting to talk with anyone about what I was getting ready to do, I tried to lay out a plan of action that would make everything possible, even to attempt this fast.
I planned my 3-week vacation for the ending weeks of the fast because I knew that would be the hardest part.
I planned the first two weeks of my vacation to coincide with the last two weeks of the fast and the third week of my vacation to recover and put on a little weight.
I started the fast, weighing 167 pounds, and weighed 127 pounds at the end of the fast. I did not look well at all. For the last three weeks, I had some help fill in for me at the prison where I ministered.
I also stayed out of church for the last three weeks, and people perhaps just thought I was on vacation somewhere.
When I finished the fast, I talked to my Pastor. When I told him how much I weighed, he thought I should stay out of church for two more weeks until I gained some weight back.
I worked for the first 26 days and then took my vacation. My fellow employees knew that I was losing a lot of weight, and one of them told me that some were talking among themselves and that there was something wrong with me that I didn’t want to talk about.
I was drinking water only and losing 1 pound a day. After 33 days, I didn’t look very well and felt about the same way I looked. Spiritually, I felt on top of the world, but physically, I knew the last seven days would be the biggest challenge I had ever been through.
To add to all the drama, my brother Tommy came to me to tell me that our parents were going to try to get a court order to have me force-fed.
I felt awful for my parents because they were sure I was going to die, and I had already made up my mind that I was going to finish what the Lord had told me to do.
My parents went to my doctor, whom I had not consulted with, which was a mistake. He told my parents, “If Greg has his mind set on doing something God has told him, nobody can change his mind.”
I remember everyone complaining about July’s heat, but I was as cool as a cucumber—a little too cool, like maybe I would die.
At that time, the Lord spoke a word I didn’t understand. The word was electrolytes.
I had heard the word before but knew nothing other than that people who play many sports must replenish the electrolytes they lost from playing so hard and sweating so much.
Well, I wasn’t playing any sports, and I was not sweating at all. Nevertheless, the more I drank, the worse I felt and the thirstier I became. Later, I learned you could lose your life by drinking too much water.
I was drinking so much water that I was washing away all my electrolytes, which is why I felt so bad. I drank enough water to float a small boat.
Not long after the Lord spoke that word to me, I received a call from a friend from church. Sandra was the mother of my daughter’s girlfriend.
Sandra was aware that I had fasted a lot over the years and knew I always just drank water, but she did not know about the word the Lord had spoken to me about electrolytes; to my knowledge, she didn’t know about the 40-day fast.
Sandra called to see how I was because I wasn’t in church and perhaps perceived that I was doing some fasting, but to this day, I have never questioned the reason she called me because I knew it was the Lord’s doing.
In our brief conversation, Sandra asked, “How are you feeling? I truthfully answered her with, “Not too well!” Then she asked me, “Greg, has the Lord always told you to drink water when you fast?” I said, “No, but I have never fasted except with water.”
She said, “You may need some electrolytes.” When she told me electrolytes, I felt that had to be from the Lord. She said, “You should drink some Gator Aid; it has electrolytes.”
Long story short, once I introduced some electrolytes into my body, I was revived and finished the fast.
I had gone for 40 days and 40 nights without anything to eat, but that was not the end of the story.
I had received many revelations during this time of fasting, but I had done some major damage to myself, which I was not aware of until September 24 of the same year.
Although there were many personal revelations during these first 40 days and 40 nights of fasting, the most significant revelation was when the Lord Himself came into my bedroom and stood at my right side.
I was in my spirit because I was looking at my body lying before me. The Lord said, “I AM going to replace your pancreas.” I slightly turned my head to the right and saw that the Lord was in a white robe. I noticed that His shoulder was a few inches higher than mine.
As I turned to respond to the Lord’s statement, I said, “You are going to do what?” He repeated the same words: “I AM going to replace your pancreas.”
The second time He spoke, when I looked at my body lying before me, I saw my damaged pancreas on the outside of my body. I saw what a pancreas looked like.
Before that moment, I did not know what a pancreas looked like.
After waking up, I looked in some medical books that were part of an extensive ministry library in my office to see what a pancreas looked like. To my amazement, the picture in the book looked precisely like the pancreas that the Lord had removed from my body, except for the fact that the one I saw outside of my body was swollen, and there was a bit of blood pooled in one spot.
The Lord sent His Word and healed me by speaking a new pancreas into being. With the Lord, all things are possible. It is a fact that any transplant of a “pancreas” in the 1980s was completely experimental.
As a footnote, I want to say that a 40-day fast is not something anyone should try without clear direction from the Lord and solid confirmation that this would be His will.
If you would ever consider this kind of fast, you should always consult with a medical doctor before, during, and after the fast.
1993- Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede
1994- Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede
1994- Warning dream about the Twin Towers
On 9-13-1994, I dreamed a dream that placed me in Manhattan, New York, where I was born in 1947. It was daytime, and I could see the two tallest buildings in the city.
As I was looking at the Twin Towers, I heard a voice say, “SERIOUS FIRE ALARM,” which woke me up.
Because it was not unusual for me to dream about future events, some good and some bad, I always kept a notebook & pen on the end table next to my bed to record any dreams that merited my attention.
I also found it very helpful to have a tape recorder handy in case I wanted to continue sleeping. When I woke up, I could speak some keywords to bring the dream back to my attention.
I shared the dream with my family and people who believed in prophecy in the States and with friends in Jerusalem.
I had made many trips to Jerusalem for prayer mandates from 1993 through 2000, but It wasn’t until January 2001 that the Lord alerted me that there was going to be a terrorist attack on the USA.
I was the only one at home, and the living room’s television was on a Christian station like the 700 Club or TBN.
I was not watching television, but as I passed through the living room to go to my office, I heard the guest say to the host, “I believe that America will be attacked within the next 10 to 15 years”.
That statement stopped me right in my tracks. I turned toward the TV as if it were a person and said, “It is going to be much sooner than that.” It was a reflexive statement that came from my spirit.
In essence, the statement was specifically for me and not for television. Over many years of ministry, I have found that the Lord knows how to alert me well in advance that something is coming down the pike, so stay alert.
On September 4, 2001, I talked with another minister in his home. While listening to him, it was as if I stopped hearing his words. Instead, I heard the word of the Lord, and this was His word to me: “Something very explosive is getting ready to happen on 911.”
I immediately excused myself, walked out to my car, and called my first Pastor, now in retirement.
He was an old-time Church of God preacher and teacher from West Virginia who preached on prophecy. He knew the Dakes Annotated Reference Bible inside and out. More than that, he was full of the Holy Ghost and believed in holiness. I shared the message, and he saw it come to pass.
I remember on September 10th, on Monday night, I was home and interceding for several hours and went to bed at about 1 am on September 11, 2001.
At around 8:30 a.m., my daughter Rhea called and woke me up and told me to turn on the TV. When I did, I saw the second plane just before it hit the second tower. The rest is history.
We had our regular prayer meeting that evening at the church, and I imagine Christians worldwide also went into prayer. As tragic as the attack was for the nation, I had some personal questions for the Lord.
The Lord warned me about the attack on 9/13/1994, so how do I square this up with the attack on 911?
I went back and found the exact date of the dream. Still, I also circled the date in a book by Author Spier entitled “The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar, which correlates the Gregorian calendar with the Hebrew calendar.
After checking the book, I could easily see that the Lord was not telling me the date of the attack but was telling me the exact day of the attack.
The second Tuesday of September was 9/13/1994, and 9/11/2001 was also the second Tuesday of September.
Bishop Greg Stevenson
1995- In September of 1995
I was standing in the master bedroom of my home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, when I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Go to Israel right now”!
I remember standing there for about five minutes, trying to digest the words I heard. No one else was present, so no doubt He was speaking to me. He knew that I could not afford to go to Israel.
I had visited Israel twice in 1994 to fulfill two separate prayer mandates, but surely the Lord knew those facts. I would only learn more about this trip as I followed His lead.
The first step was to acknowledge that I heard His voice. Only as I moved by faith did He let me know He wanted me to intercede for three weeks in Jerusalem.
I didn’t know how this was all possible because I had no place to stay and could not afford a hotel. Nevertheless, after that five-minute pause, I called TWA and made flight arrangements.
I took out a hard shell suitcase, packed it, and had a friend take me to Miami, where I boarded a jet to JFK airport.
A 747 was being returned to JFK, and only about 100 passengers were on board. Passengers were assigned seats, but everyone sat wherever they wanted since there were so many empty seats.
I was assigned a window seat, and since no one was in the two seats next to me, I stayed in my assigned seat.
I remember I had a bit of a headache, probably because I felt a bit stressed out just thinking about how crazy the whole thing seemed to be, just leaving without any plan of action other than, “Go to Israel right now.”
Why was the Lord doing this to me? Was this some test? If it was a test, I thought, surely the Lord doesn’t want me to fail this test, but He didn’t even give me time to prepare. He just said, “Go to Israel right now.”
Fortunately, if the Lord had given me enough time to think about my actions, I probably could have talked myself out of a tremendous blessing. Blessed be His name.
As we were flying to New York, I thought, at least let me get rid of this headache. As the stewardess walked down the aisle, I asked her if I could have a couple of aspirin, and she politely said, “No, I’m sorry, we are not allowed to give out aspirin.”
As the stewardess walked away, a lady in front of me and in the center section told me she had some aspirin.
I moved behind the lady, and she gave me a couple of aspirins.
She said, “Where are you going?” I replied to Israel, and she said, “So are we.”
No one was near the lady, but she explained that she was one of six ladies going to Israel to pray. She wondered where the seventh person was and said, ” You must be the seventh one.”
I said, well, I don’t know about that. She then asked, “Where in Israel are you going?” I said I was going to Jerusalem.
Of course, her next question was, “Where are you staying in Jerusalem?” I said I don’t know. The Lord has not told me yet.”
Sometime during the flight, I was introduced to the group leader, Myrna Middleton. Myrna was a seasoned Intercessor for Israel and the founder of Fair Heavens Missions.
She had been to Israel many times and had a powerful testimony of how God miraculously healed her.
We were boarding the flight to Tel Aviv, and the Lord had not yet told me where I would stay in Jerusalem.
As we were flying overseas, I felt a calm assurance that the Lord would let me know where I would stay before we landed.
We were about an hour from landing, and I still had nothing. Still, before I got off the plane, Myrna told me that she had a two-bedroom apartment in Jerusalem that was fully furnished with a phone and fax machine.
She told me that the apartment was too small for six people and that If I stopped by the hotel where the group was staying, I could pick up the keys and use the apartment to meet my three weeks of intercessory prayer.
When I arrived in Jerusalem late afternoon, I went straight to the hotel, picked up the keys, and went to the apartment.
Indeed, the Lord had stretched my faith and made me realize that where God guides, God provides.
The next three weeks were a time of intense intercessory prayer and revelations. The intercessory prayer mandate was to intercede 7 hours a day for 21 days for the peace of Jerusalem.
While in prayer, I received a fax from a close friend, sister Ruby Price, informing me that an intense hurricane named Opel had entered the Gulf of Mexico. For a while, the Hurricane Center did not know which states would receive this hurricane, which had reached 150 mph.
Well, on October 4th, 1995, Opel entered the Florida Panhandle after weakening to 115 mph; however, it was still very destructive.
Sister Price faxed me because she knew the Lord had warned me about an event in the Florida Panhandle.
I had a dream in August 1995 that I recorded and shared with the church while preaching. Then, the last time I preached in September, I reminded the church again about the dream and that something severe would take place in the Florida Panhandle.
I told the church there would be some emergency in the Florida Panhandle, and its timing was related to Israel’s fall feast days.
I recorded the dream and told the church it had something to do with Yom Kippur.
The 4th of October 1995 coincided with Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Judgment.
The dream was very vivid. I was standing in the Florida Panhandle in a vast outdoor setting. It was very dark, and I could see hundreds and hundreds of red and blue lights flashing on the tops of what seemed to be an innumerable number of emergency vehicles.
The cloud above me was a black billowing cloud, like a barrel cloud, stretching as far as I could see. It was a very ominous sign.
The swelling cloud had my attention more than the emergency lights. As I looked at it, this barrel cloud seemed to be coming down lower and lower.
While looking at this threatening sign, I heard a booming voice speak as if it came out of the clouds, saying, “WARNING, FLORIDA PANHANDLE, WARNING, FLORIDA PANHANDLE.”
As I heard the second warning, I woke up.
While feeling affirmation about the dream the Lord had given me in August 1995, I knew that the Lord wanted me to be sensitive about future things He would be showing me.
I continued with the three-week prayer mandate. From the beginning of the Lord’s call to go to Israel, In my mind, I kept hearing a song by the Steve Miller Band: “I’m Going to Fly like an Eagle to the Sea.” I couldn’t seem to shake off the tune or the phrase.
While flying to Israel, I questioned the Lord about why this secular song was playing in my head. I quoted hundreds of scriptures while flying and couldn’t shake it off. It’s nighttime now, and we are heading overseas.
The lights are out, and people are trying to sleep, but I still have this eagle thing in my head.
I quoted the Sermon on the Mount without interruption, but here comes the eagle thing when I am done. I quoted Psalms 119 without disruption, but here comes the eagle thing.
When I said to the Lord, I got it, that didn’t stop that tune, with that phrase, from going around and around in my brain. I just stopped letting it bother me.
From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, I would fly like an eagle.
The whole time I was interceding in the spirit, the eagle thing was happening in my head at different times, but I would keep praying.
After praying for 140 hours in the first 20 days, I was finally on my last day of prayer. Although it was 27 years ago, I remember it as if it were yesterday.
I remember I was finishing the last minutes of the 7th hour. I was kneeling at the bedside and went into an open vision.
Completely conscious, with my eyes closed, instead of seeing darkness, now I was seeing a lady standing before me.
We were in a big room. The lady didn’t say anything or do anything.
The vision seemed to be a few minutes long but was probably only 10 or 15 seconds long.
When I came out of the vision, I knew I had seen this lady in Jerusalem on a previous occasion. The lady in the vision was a minister who held praise and worship services every afternoon in Jerusalem.
I called to find out how to get the ministry’s phone number and finally reached her. I asked her when she started the service and how I would get there.
She told me the service started at two o’clock, and I could take a city bus to the ministry’s location.
Now I am on the bus and have the eagle thing going on in my head. I am going to fly like an eagle.
Well, the truth was, I had no idea where I was, but she said at one point I would come to an intersection that had some monument and was close to the Red Cross Building.
To make a long story a little shorter, I got off the bus at this intersection, walked down one of the streets, and there it was.
When I walked in at 2 p.m., the service had just started. Everyone was standing except for the minister, playing the piano and singing. I mixed in with the worshipers and raised my hands to worship the Lord.
We sang several songs of praise and worship to the Lord, and right in the middle of the last song, she stopped playing the piano.
She rose from the piano and walked over to where I was standing. Now, everyone is quiet and wondering what Reverand Ruth will do.
She looks into my face and says, “I see eagle wings coming down on your back, and she begins to give me a prophecy about things I would do and that God was going to visit me and minister to me and through me.”
The eagle’s feathers took me so aback by what the Spirit of God had told me for the last three weeks that it was hard to focus on everything she was saying in the prophecy.
At the end of the service, she was so taken by this vision she had about the eagle’s feathers she pulled me aside and said, my brother has ministered in over 100 nations, and he is in Bethlehem right now with a group of people.
I want to take you to Bethlehem right now, and I want my brother to anoint you. He will give you a word.
Everyone left the service, and she drove me to Bethlehem.
Now, while we were standing outside the Church of the Nativity, She asked me to wait while she went into the church to get her brother.
A few minutes passed, and now a group of people were approaching me, led by Reverand Wallace Heflin Jr., her brother.
He walks right up to me, puts oil on his fingers, places his hand on my forehead, and prophesies.
The prophecy lasted about ten minutes and was the most powerful prophecy I had ever heard anyone give. It was so long I couldn’t retain any of it.
A crowd had gathered around to listen to this man’s prophesy.
People were taking videos of the prophecy.
I suppose it was good that I couldn’t retain the prophecy because it could have been something that would have caused me to think more highly of myself than I should have.
The whole experience was quite humbling. The eagle thing was now only a memory and part of my testimony.
Nevertheless, the Lord still uses the eagle to confirm every trip I make to Jerusalem. Bless His wonderful name
1996-Spent 7 hours of intercessory prayer a day for the entire year
I made two trips to Jerusalem.
1997-Was made the Director of World Missions for the River Church of God.
I traveled to Jerusalem only once this year.
1998-World Missions Director. Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede
1999-World Missions Director. Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede
2000-World Missions Director. Sent back to Jerusalem.
Traveled to Jerusalem one time.
2001-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2002-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2003-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2004-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2005-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2006-Director of World Missions for the W.P.Bch Church of God
2007-Called to return to Jerusalem.
2007-Completed 40 days and 40 nights of fasting, when the Lord appeared to me in a dream or night vision.
I returned to Jerusalem to complete the intercessory prayer mandate on the Mount of Olives.
2008- Gaza war revelation in September 2008
The Lord gave me two dreams back to back.
In both dreams, I was in Jerusalem, and it was in December.
I was in the Old City of Jerusalem in the first dream, but in the second dream, I was on the Mount of Olives.
After recording the two dreams, I knew in my spirit that they were mandates that would not be fulfilled in the same year.
I focused on the first dream because it seemed the most ominous.
He wanted me in Jerusalem in December, but at the time of the dream, He had not given me a specific date other than December.
I shared the dream with my pastor, Daniel Sturgill.
Seven days after the dream, the Lord spoke to me in a still, small voice and said that I had to be in the Old City of Jerusalem on the 18th of December and that Israel was going to be attacked, and it was going to happen while I was there.
In the first dream, I kneeled in the narrow roadway inside the Jaffa Gate, looking toward the Armenian and Jewish Quarters.
It appeared that it was just the morning’s breaking, and I was kneeling in the center of the road between Christ Church and the Tower of David.
A chain-link fence went from Christ Church to the Tower of David.
Right where I was kneeling, the chain link fence was ripped open as if something violently tore through the fence going in the direction of the Jewish Quarter.
As I knelt before this significant gap in the fence, the scripture came to me immediately: “God looked for a man to make up the hedge and stand in the gap, and He found none.” Ezekiel 22:30
I understood the significance while I was in the dream, but I kept looking at the fence as if to assess the damage and figure out what it would take to repair it.
As I was assessing the damage to this fence, which in real life does not even exist, I looked to my left and saw a male figure standing by Christ Church on the other side of the fence.
He wore a robe, and although I could not distinguish his face, I knew it was a man.
I said to the man, whom I believe was Christ Himself (because the same man appeared in the second dream on the Mount of Olives), “This is going to take a professional,” meaning to fix the breach in the fence, and he just looked at me and said, “Just Pray.”
Then I went into the second dream on the Mount of Olives.
In the second dream, I was at the Church of God on the Mount of Olives, where I stayed on several occasions to fulfill intercessory prayer mandates.
I was on the third floor, where there are three rooms that the church uses for guests, students, or visitors.
I was standing at the end of the hall, and the same robed man from the first dream was standing at my right side.
A young lady was standing before each of the three doors.
The young lady in the middle could not open the door.
I looked at my right hand, and there was a unique key.
It was like a safe deposit key.
I walked over to the door, put the key in, and opened the door to the amazement of the three young ladies, and the dream ended.
I knew that prayer was the key that opened the door. I also knew this second dream was for December of the following year.
Concerning the first dream, I made preparations to leave for Jerusalem on the 17th of December. I flew to Atlanta and Tel Aviv, arriving in Jerusalem on the 18th of December 2008 at approximately 7:30 pm. I had something to eat, prayed, and went to bed.
I woke up the following day to the news that Israel had just suffered a significant attack, and the Gaza war was on.
Now that this had come to pass, as the Lord had shown me, I had to “Just Pray” as instructed.
I was given a 10-day, 70-hour prayer mandate to accomplish in the Old City of Jerusalem.
When I finished the prayer mandate, I still had two days before I was scheduled to leave for home. The rain had subsided, and the day was warming up nicely.
A friend from church had given me a prayer request and asked if I could place it in the Western Wailing Wall. I thought I had better do it while the weather was good or even worse before I forgot.
I walked from the Jaffa Hostel, where I was staying, to James Street and then through the Jewish Quarter.
As I walked by the Jewish shops, an orthodox Jewish man stopped me and said, “Where are you from?” I said, “From Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
” Then I said, “Well, I was born in New York City but now live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.”
He placed his left hand on my head (I was wearing a ball cap) and said, “The Lord bless you and prosper you, your children, and your grandchildren.”
I said to the man, “Thank you very much,” and went.
As I still had about a five-minute walk before I got down to the Wall, I thought to myself, that’s the first time since 1983 that an Orthodox Jew laid his hand upon my head and blessed me.
Now, I am going down the stairway, through security, and to the Wailing Wall.
Hundreds of people are at the Wall, and I press my way to it and place the prayer request in a crack.
I turned around to leave, and there was another orthodox Jew right in my face saying, “Where are you from?” and I said, “From Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.”
“Then I said, well, I was born in New York City, but now I live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
“He placed his left hand on my head and said, “The Lord bless you and prosper you, your children, and your grandchildren.”
I said, “Thank you very much.” As I walked away, the scripture came to me: God would establish every word with two or three witnesses. II Cor.13:1
I felt extremely blessed, not only for myself but for my children and grandchildren.
I have been going to the Wailing Wall since 1983 and have never had an orthodox Jew lay his hand on my head and pronounce a blessing over me, and now it happened twice within ten minutes by two men in different places in the Old City.
Tensions were still very high in the Old City because the Gaza war was still raging 65 miles south of Jerusalem.
Many of the shopkeepers had closed their shops in protest of the war and because so many innocent Arab women and children had died.
From the time of the dream in October until I was flying back home, I often wondered why the Lord chose to use a chain-link fence instead of a wooden or stone fence.
I had never really noticed a chain-link fence anywhere in Jerusalem, or at least I could not remember ever seeing one.
As I left the Jaffa Hostel and walked past the lobby to take the waiting cab, I noticed men sitting and watching TV coverage of the Gaza war.
I saw the screen just in passing by, but I noticed a lot of chain-link fences where they were fighting.
As we drove to the airport, I thought it was strange that I saw a chain-link fence just as I was leaving Israel, but I said nothing to the cab driver, whom I knew well.
The Lord had someone else in mind to answer my question about the chain-link fence. We arrived at the airport at 9 p.m. and began the long security process.
The flight was packed as usual, but there was an empty seat between me and a middle-aged Jewish man.
We looked at each other and had the same thought: I hope no one takes this seat in the middle, but just before they shut the door, a young Muslim man came down the aisle and stopped at our row, looked up at the number, and said, “I guess that’s my seat.”
The Jewish man got out of his seat to let the young man in, and he could hardly fit in the seat, not because he was fat, but because he was a huge man.
I struck up a conversation with him just moments after he sat down.
He said he was visiting his grandmother, who lived in Ramallah.
We had some small conversations to get acquainted with because we would sit next to each other for the next 14 hours.
At one point, I thought, let me ask him if there is a chain-link fence around the Gaza Strip because I saw it on the TV as I was leaving the Jaffa Hostel.
When I asked him the question, he paused like he was thinking about the question for a minute, and I said, “You do know what chain link fence is, don’t you?” He said, Oh yeah, I was trying to think if there was any chain link fence in Gaza.
He said, “The only place where there is a chain link fence is around the Jewish settlements.” That is where the attack on Israel took place.
That’s why the Lord showed me, in a dream, a chain-link fence that had been violently ripped through.
I arrived home on January 3rd. 2009.
2009 – Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede
2009 – Sent back to Jerusalem to intercede, completing two intercessory prayer mandates and establishing a residence in Jerusalem
2010- Sent to Rehavia, Jerusalem to intercede for 55 weeks, 5 hours of prayer a day, while also attending Hebrew language lessons at an Ulpan
2011 – 2012 In Jerusalem to fulfill a 2,584-hour intercessory prayer mandate while also establishing a portal over a specific area in Jerusalem
2013 – In Jerusalem, praying 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, to maintain the existence of the portal that was established in 2010 but was begun on the evening of December 19, 2009, at the residence in Rehavia, Jerusalem.
2013 – 2019 In the second half of 2013, the Lord shifted me to France to intercede for The House of David so that they might be encouraged to leave France and return to the land of their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I could still spend some time in Jerusalem in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018.
In 2019, I was told to be in Paris to finish the last 10-day 70-hour intercessory prayer mandate to complete the 12,000 hours of intercessory prayer. This prayer mandate ended on the last day of Hanukkah on 12-30-2019. I flew back to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on January 2, 2020.
2015- Warning dream and prophecy about the Golden Gate Bridge, the Rapture, and the last harbinger for America in 2026.
On 11-25-2015, I dreamed I was standing in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge during a catastrophic earthquake.
I saw both ends of the bridge collapse into rubble. I saw the bridge fall toward the east and into San Fransico Bay.
I found myself at the shoreline and got out of the water, but instead of being in San Francisco, I was at the southwest corner of my home church, the River Church of God in West Palm Beach, Florida, and it was now evening.
I was standing on the sidewalk looking north when I saw Joan Adkins, the wife of my first pastor, standing on the same sidewalk at the northwest corner of the church. She was probably 75 feet from me, but I could see her beautiful face.
Her face was radiant, and she looked about 30 years old. She was clothed in one of the Southern Belle dresses from the Victorian Civil War era, which reminded me of the 1939 movie Gone with the Wind. I believe the phrase “Gone with the Wind” was perhaps orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, hinting at what would happen with Christians when the Rapture of the Church occurs.
Pastor Adkins and his wife Joan were the most outstanding role models I could have ever hoped to meet.
…..more to come
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