Warning, Warning, Warning
Warning, Warning, Warning! An earthquake will rock the San Francisco Bay area, destroying the Golden Gate Bridge.
The severity of this quake will reach far beyond San Francisco and could be connected to the King’s mowing or at least a severe judgment on America.
Updating – With our nation’s highest leaders deciding to designate June as the month to recognize and appreciate the LGBTQIA+ crowd for their contribution to our society with the praises of President Obama, I believe that the cup of God’s wrath has to be close to full.
Now, add to this abomination, which consists of people who have turned God’s truth into a lie and refuse to acknowledge the Creator; we have same-sex marriage being legalized and becoming the law of the land.
Without a doubt, God has been gracious and longsuffering with America. Now that the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage the law of the land, we can expect a rise in calamities that will display God’s anger.
Update!! In Jerusalem, I received several powerful confirmations in the first few days of September 2015 concerning revelations that we are moving much closer to some catastrophic earthquakes worldwide, including the one on the west coast of the U.S.A. that will affect San Francisco. Please pray!!
I have asked the Lord in prayer about a particular date of 11-25-2015 and dreamed of myself mowing the lawn. The prophet Amos talks about the king’s mowings in Amos 7:1
This could represent the second part of the prophecy I received about the two earthquakes that would hit San Francisco.
I am persuaded that the 2nd part of the prophecy will possibly occur at the same time as the church’s rapture and resurrection of the saints.
Nevertheless, I do not believe that any genuine believers don’t realize we are living in a dangerous time, with judgment at our door.
Also, those scholars and students of Bible prophecy advocate a connection between the catching away of the saints, better known as the Rapture, coinciding with sudden destruction.
The world stage will greatly change for Christians and non-believers between September 11, 2026, and December 24, 2033.
There is a freight train of calamities coming to America for its degrading moral stance, its insistence on the wholesale murder of the unborn, and the terrible same-sex marriage, which is the law of the land. The LGBTQIA+ has brought a new twist to their demonic activity called Transgender.
National judgment can not be averted at this point because the nation is filled with every foul spirit and doctrine of demons.
The Lord is getting ready to pull the trigger, so to speak, against the depravity of America. National repentance and mercy are the last line of defense for the Divided States of America.
Jesus said, “If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” Mark 3:24
How close must we be to the rapture of the Church or the catching away of the saints of God?
According to General Electric, this supernatural event will occur in the twinkling of an eye, approximately 11/100th of a second. The holy scriptures establish this fact and can not be broken.
The body of believers has not been appointed to wrath, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.” I Thessalonians 5:9-10
This page will be ongoing, not a blog, but open-ended, and I will try to explain more of the revelations and remarkable confirmations each day.
America is racing toward a collision with God Almighty because of its wholesale rebellion as a nation against Christ.
As believers in Christ, we should never stop seeking our Heavenly Father’s will and pray that none of these judgments will overtake our nation.
Those who believe in the power of prayer should know, “……..The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman availeth much.” James 5:16. Pray that we can pass through these difficult times.
America, it is time to pray! The handwriting is on the wall. “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Before I get too far into any revelation concerning America’s judgment or any natural calamities that may befall any nation, let me clear the air about my personal opinion or belief about these dangerous days.
I am not writing from a script or a pre-recorded message but from what the Lord shows me, tells me, or inspires me to warn people about.
I am not a doomsday preacher looking to get people worked up so they will come to the Lord. Nevertheless, I would hope that all would come to Christ the Saviour.
I do not publish dates about any future events that God has not clearly and repeatedly given me, and that is always subject to change according to how people respond to God’s warning and, of course, God’s mercy.
January 19, 2012, was a significant date prophetically, and I will share everything the Lord has shown me, including the confirmations.
In Jonah’s case, his message to Nineveh to repent was 100% effective, and the judgment that God had proposed was delayed for many years. Jonah was called a false prophet by most and, at the least, to be someone who had spoken presumptuously.
Both views were wrong. Jonah had spoken the exact words God wanted to convey to the Ninevites.
Jonah never could have conceived that he would be the most successful evangelist of his days and perhaps the only evangelist to have a 100% altar call.
So, to get back on track, the publishing date will be set only after much prayer, fasting, waiting on God, and solid confirmations.
There is a purpose in everything God allows. God is not trying to trick me, and I am not trying to trick myself.
I have been on an intercessory prayer mandate in Jerusalem, praying for the peace of Jerusalem 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, since July 1, 2011, until this present day, April 09, 2012.
I will not be finished until the evening of September 25, 2012, and the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Jewish people’s holiest day.
I have had to make three short trips out of the country but have remained committed to the prayer mandate.
I have no CDs or books to sell and no fluffy prophecies about “Things are great in America,” indeed, the Lord will bless us for many years.
I wish that were the case, for America is where I was born and my children and grandchildren live.
If you cannot see what is happening to America and what is transpiring today, it is high time you awaken from your sleep.
America is on a precipice, spiritually, morally, and financially. Spiritually, they, as a nation, have been blinded by the god of this world.
Only a remnant is born-again, walking in the Spirit, making up the hedge, and standing in the gap.
Morally, the fabric of our nation is threadbare, with abortion being as American as apple pie or the game of baseball.
The gay community has boldly infected every state in our nation with their ungodly lifestyle, dishonoring their bodies.
Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.” (Matthew 10:15)
Chapter 1 of the Book of Romans, in the Holy Bible, is an indictment upon the gay community, and unless they repent and turn from their wicked ways, they will perish without God.
God’s standard for humanity is that they should not perish but follow His life plan and blessings.
Moses made this plan very clear to the people when he said,
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19)
In the New Testament, God made His love known to all humanity through the words of the Saviour in the Gospel of John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
After giving His only begotten Son and providing His Holy Word, I find it quite amazing that God reveals His will to humanity in the shortest book of the Holy Bible. In a tiny verse, He says to all, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 1 John verse number 2.
Let me say this: God speaks primarily through His Word, and we are told to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. II Timothy 2:15
The Word of God is the foundation laid down by Christ’s sacrifice, and Jesus is the Chief cornerstone, but God does not limit Himself to communicating only through paper and ink.
Along with the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son have many ways to communicate.
I do not have the time or knowledge to teach every facet of God’s supernatural communication skills. Still, I do know that He communicated many times through dreams, visions, and prophecies in the Old and New Testaments.
You must understand God does not change, ever. There is no variableness nor shadow of turning with God. If something is contrary to God’s Word, it is contrary to His will.
Did you know that if you removed dreams, visions, and related stories from the Bible, you would have removed about one-third of it?
It is very important that I make it clear that every dream or vision does not come from God; God says two or three witnesses will establish a thing.
There is an excess of books written by good, Spirit-filled authors that have covered the topic of dreams and vision to the extent that no believer should be surprised to find out that God speaks to our hearts primarily through His Word.
He also uses many other means to convey information to His creation.
If our Lord could use a dumb animal, a donkey, to rebuke the madness of the prophet Balaam by allowing the donkey to speak with a man’s voice to get Balaam’s attention (II Peter 2:16), certainly the Lord has the creative genius to employ many other means.
Unfortunately for humanity, one of God’s most excellent tools to get mankind awake to the reality that his framework is but dust is through natural calamities.
From the unsettling earthquake to the natural flood, from the tsunami to the great forest fire driven with ferocious winds, from the tightly wound tornado to the molten or liquefied heat of the volcano, man perceives it not.
These are all warnings, not of God’s blessings overtaking mankind but of the curses of humanity’s degeneration, which started in the Garden of Eden.
When people ignore all these wake-up calls to acknowledge the Creator and His only begotten Son, a new picture and a more dangerous scenario emerge.
God allows mankind to suffer the most dangerous of all calamities. God allows mankind to suffer the consequences of his worst enemy, mankind.
“From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.:” (James 4:1-3)
Yes, there is a problem that plagues humanity: lust! It comes in many shrouded forms to the unregenerate soul and the Spirit-filled Christian.
Unfortunately, it does not come to us in big neon-lit letters but in microscopic doses so subtle that even the Spirit-filled Christian can be duped if he is going through a dry spell or a testing season.
Lust comes in many forms, but only within three categories. Satan has never changed his tactics, not because he is an imbecile, but because these three ways are very successful.
Of course, they didn’t work with Jesus in the wilderness, but with most of humanity, sooner or later, even the most outstanding men have had a fleeting moment of the plaque, at least in their thought life. Think about it!
The Apostle John unveils this powerful truth in his first epistle when he says,
“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” (I John 2:16-17)
I digress for a moment to address an important truth. Herein lies the problem with the world system.
Besides the problems of language barriers, which started at the tower of Babel when the Lord confounded the people’s language because of their imaginations, different cultures traditionally hold to certain beliefs.
Now, to exacerbate the confusion that exists in the world, there is still that human trait that wants to have a leader that the people can see, a man that can give direction, provide protection, and be held responsible for the welfare of their society.
Consequently, we have several forms of government that rule societies throughout the world.
We have Democracy, from the Greek, “rule of the people,” which at that time was not really the rule of all the people but was refined by the Romans and further refined in the 17th and 18th centuries when the people were granted the right to choose representatives for themselves to be their voice.
And in modern democracies, there are ways to keep things in check and balance.
There are also Constitutional Monarchies in which a King, Queen, or other monarch is the head of state but not the head of government. A constitution limits the authority.
There are also Dictatorships in which a government is run by a single absolute or autocratic ruler who exercises authority outside those granted by his or her nation’s constitution.
In the last century, we had people like Stalin and Hitler who gained office legally but then abolished constitutional limits once they gained power.
There is also a Republic, from the Latin phrase, “res Publica meaning “public affair”, the term “republic originally referred to a state in which the government was free from monarchs or other heredity rulers, was controlled by the public and was concerned with the public welfare.
In modern republics, all segments of society can participate in government, and a constitution limits the government’s authority.
There is also a Theocracy, a form of government in which the law is based on a particular interpretation of the will of God as found in the scriptures.
Many early societies had theocratic governments but were gradually replaced by secular governments.
Unfortunately, Iran is a Theocracy that derives its laws from the Muslim text, the Quran. This is not only a problem for secular Iranians but for the entire world.
Iran is not only interested in controlling its nation, but it believes it will eventually control the entire world. This would consist of a world void of even one Jewish soul.
A Theocracy is the form of government God chose from the beginning for His chosen people, Israel. From Abraham until Samuel, about 1400 years, the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were under a theocracy—God’s rule.
While ancient Israel trusted the prophet Samuel to speak for God, they did not trust Samuel’s sons, whom he had appointed as judges when he was old.
Samuel’s sons turned aside to gain. They took bribes and perverted judgment. The elders came to Samuel, who lived in Ramah and made their complaints known to him.
This saying displeased Samuel, when they said, “Give us a king to judge us”. Samuel prayed to the Lord, and the Lord said, Hearken to the people’s voice in all that they say to thee.
The Lord said in so many words, don’t take it to heart because the people have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.
After 1400 years of theocracy, we see a transition to a monarchy, with Saul becoming the first King of Israel.
Now, we cannot help but notice the degeneration of the men who should be leaders, who quickly went astray. Instead of trustworthy leaders, they took advantage of their high position for self-gain, taking bribes and perverting judgment.
The characters seem to be shameful, like the ones we read about on the front page of a national newspaper.
Leaders shamefully run out of office because of bad behavior or for having an extramarital relationship. A president having sexual favors in the Oval Office, a governor having an extramarital affair that brought forth a child from a fling with a housekeeper.
Leaders were taking bribes and corrupting judgment. A sitting U.S. president openly declared that America is not a Christian nation.
One of our leaders publicly announced with his wife standing by his side that even though he was married with children, he concluded that he was gay and had been practicing his new lifestyle.
Welcome to America, where we live and let live. When justice is not brought quickly, men’s hearts are set to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11) America, it is time to pray!
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12)
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)
While I have strayed some from dreams and visions, it is all relevant to the big picture.
I am simply explaining a process that has repeated itself throughout history. History only repeats itself because we all fail to learn from the past.
When I explain the dream, its message, and the Word of the Lord to America, it will be as clear as the handwriting on the wall.
This is a slight interruption, and I do not have time to write right now, but in the fifth hour of prayer, the Lord spoke very clearly:
“The appointed time is at hand, even at the Door. I will shake the earth……. ” This is not far off!!! I will resume writing by the weekend at the latest.
Today is February 10, 2012. It is an overcast day in Jerusalem with temperatures in the ’50s, and life seems to be going along with a certain degree of normalcy.
Nevertheless, the Jewish nation cannot ignore the fact that they are becoming more and more isolated from the world.
They see the growing number of nations against them, the Arab Spring uprising, and the democratic uprising that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011.
They witnessed the democracy of the Egyptian people and how quickly they yielded power to the Muslim Brotherhood.
They also saw their ally, Turkey, make a shift toward radical Islamic regimes.
From the veto of Russia and China in the UN Security Council for stronger sanctions against Syria to Russia’s firm alliance with Syria and Iran.
It all points to a very dismal picture of what the prophet Ezekiel was shown more than 2500 years ago in dual prophecies that would be relevant then and some things that would transpire in the last days before the Lord’s return to earth.
In light of Psalm 83, Zechariah 12, and other passages, every Christian and Jew reading the scriptures should feel a sense of prophecy in the news daily.
The Christians are looking for the Rapture of the Church, and this event will happen.
The Orthodox Jews are looking for the Gog/Magog war and the return of the Messiah; these two events will take place.
The Muslims are waiting for the return of the Twelfth Imam; this is an event that will not take place.
The god of this world, Lucifer, has imbued the Muslim world with this false hope of a sensual paradise without Jews.
One thing is evident: we are living on difficult days. There are enough nuclear weapons on planet Earth to annihilate civilization many times over.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only a tiny glimpse into the terror of nuclear war.
We can conclude that since man has never developed a weapon that he has not used, he will, no doubt, continue in the same manner. The scriptures seem to back up this logic.
The Holy Scriptures tell us that a time will come before the return of the Messiah that will be unparalleled in world history.
This will be so bad that Christ said, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened”. (Matthew 24:21-22)
If you need a description of nuclear war and its effect on the human body, more than 500 years before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two heavily populated cities in Japan that experienced the first atomic bombs in1945, listen to what the prophet Zechariah said,
“And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem;
Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.” Zechariah 14:12
Nevertheless, the world revels onward as if God’s Word was written for another age in time, despite the 100% accuracy of the prophecies in the Bible. This is further proof that the Word of God is true.
Jesus said, “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:38-39)
This is a mirror image of what is happening now, but few people want to believe it. Nevertheless, people keep living as if things will go on forever, unchecked.
With the whole world seemingly concerned about Iran building a nuclear bomb, European nations financially sinking, Syria murdering its people, with just a slap on the wrist from the world community.
1 billion men, women, and children going to bed hungry every night, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “Israelis and Palestinians must stay engaged!
What is this man thinking? The world system is rapidly falling apart, and they want to pressure Israel to make peace with terrorists.
Israel is a nation the size of New Jersey, a small state in the United States. Surely, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe in the God of Israel and His Christ. (II Corinthians 4:4)
I proposed to share at the outset some of the things that the Lord had shown me before they had taken place to lay a little foundation on how the Lord uses dreams and visions and how God will always give at least two or three witnesses to establish what He wants to convey to His servants.
I will share these things, like the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, the Gaza war in 2008, the Twin Towers attack on 9/11/2001, the devastating hurricane in the Florida Panhandle, and more. Still, because of the warning I received on February 7, 2012, which confirmed the things coming to America, I will go right to the significance of January 19, 2012, and January 19, 1977.
I will start with a Word from the Lord connected to the two prior dates, then a dream, its interpretation, and the following conformations.
Thus says the Lord,
…………...The appointed time is at hand, even at the Door. I will shake the earth, and who is he that can stop Me? I will have no more mercy upon this people. They have set up idols, and they do worship them. For this, I will cut a little grass,
but the mower will follow quickly in His time. I have offered My loving-kindness and the power of My right hand daily, but you would not take hold. Instead, you were led astray by dumb idols, even as you were led. For this cause, the Lord of Hosts has determined to bring down the high tree. My Spirit shall not always strive with man.
……………………………………………………………………….Says the Lord
The first time I knew anything about another significant earthquake occurring somewhere in the world was after completing a 55-week intercessory prayer mandate in Rehavia, Jerusalem.
I had a forty-day rest period and was instructed by the Lord to start a new intercessory prayer mandate. This mandate was specifically for Jerusalem’s peace and all those who could bring about such peace, such as other intercessors and the leaders of Israel.
During the 40-day rest period, I received some hints about another earthquake. It was not until I was fully involved with the new intercessory prayer mandate, which started on July 1, 2011, that I realized the full extent of this.
This new prayer mandate, which I am presently involved with, involves 8 hours of intercessory prayer daily, Monday through Friday, and was open-ended with His first instructions. Still, not long after starting, the Lord gave me the completion date, which was the evening of September 25, 2012.
This would also be the beginning of the year’s holiest day for the Jewish people, Yom Kippur.
The instructions included not only what I have previously mentioned but also establishing a portal at a specific location in Jerusalem.
He instructed me to move to a new residence right next to where He would establish this portal.
From the beginning of this present intercessory prayer mandate here in Jerusalem, the Lord did not give me any location of this new earthquake.
He gave me enough confirmation to know that it was coming. I did not seek the Lord to know the whereabouts of the earthquake or when it would happen; I just waited on the Lord in prayer.
Of course, I was aware of fault lines on the West Coast of the United States, but I knew they also existed in many other places in the world.
It was not until I had prayed for many hours the Lord started unfolding more about the earthquake.
I am connected to a powerful group of intercessors in Tennessee, U.S.A., not to mention countless intercessors in Israel, Japan, and other parts of the world.
After much prayer, the Lord confirmed that the quake would be on the West Coast of America.
At this moment, there was no mention of whether it would be the only one or of a specific area on the West Coast. I waited upon the Lord and refused to ask for specifics.
The problem with asking God about specific details is that once you have spoken it into the air, Satan now has the opportunity to get involved.
The Lord knew in my heart that I wanted to know more about the earthquake, but I felt that if He wanted me to know the exact details, He would tell or show me.
Speaking about possibilities with other intercessors is a far stretch from inquiring of the Lord about specifics.
Now, this is where a couple of dreams come into the picture. I speak to my daughter in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, almost daily.
The Lord has used Rhea in such a powerful way to confirm so many things that the Lord has shown me in dreams, giving her prophetic dreams that I either confirm or interpret for her.
For many years, the Lord has used Rhea and one of my five grandchildren, Michael, primarily through confirming dreams or a word of confirmation.
I realize the Lord has used me to stand in the gap for 55 weeks in Jerusalem for several prayer directives.
One of the prayer directives was for the preservation of America and that God would have mercy on America.
My daughter had two dreams that were in color, quite amazing, and very significant to the work I had just completed over the 55 weeks of intercession in Jerusalem.
She understood the first dream very clearly because it was written across the Sky in large letters that each projected a message about Christ’s blood and purity.
This dream took place on August 7, 2011. I had already been following the new prayer mandate for about 40 days.
The first dream didn’t need anyone to interpret the message in the sky because it was written in English, but there were some clues about timing, and she couldn’t connect until I interpreted the dream.
The second dream occurred on August 12, 2011, and my daughter couldn’t figure out why she would have such a dream. However, when I told her it was a confirmation meant for me and explained the significance, she saw the dream coming from the Lord.
Now, I will share the dream with its troubling message for America and the second dream, which was only one of several confirmations to me that the earthquake would be on the West Coast of the United States.
Dream # 1—On August 7, 2011, my daughter Rhea dreamed that she and her husband Michael were driving down Mary Circle in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, where my home was from 1980 until 2010.
The first strange thing she noticed was the snow on the ground. She could not believe how much snow was on the lawns. That was strange for South Florida.
As they approached the front of my home, she looked at the sky. It was utterly black, and she immediately felt it was an ominous sign. She saw these huge words written across the black sky.
There were two lines of words, like two sentences, one sentence below the top sentence, but there were no lines below the words in the sky.
She immediately noticed that all the letters were white and red, like the design of a candy cane. She said that the letters even sparkled.
She realized that the letters were quickly beginning to disappear, and she became panicked because she had nothing to write with.
It was evident to her that it was a message from the Lord, so she tried to pick out keywords and remember them before they all disappeared.
The first two words of the top sentence were GAME OVER, followed by NO MORE MERCY. Then, in the sentence below, the word VESSEL was used, but Rhea said she thought the word before VESSEL was possibly CLAY.
There were more words on each line, but she could not retain them, and they disappeared as she read the message.
Dream # 2—On August 11, 2011, my daughter Rhea dreamed that she was walking into a small but very exclusive Jewelry store named Richters on the famed Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, Florida, United States.
First, she noticed the tiny front door had bars running across it.
As she passed through this small doorway, she was amazed at how what initially appeared to be a small place, considering the size of the front door, suddenly turned out to be very large once she passed through it.
She saw the store’s owners, whom she knew well, and the dream ended. On awakening, Rhea did not remember having any conversation with either of them for many years and was a little baffled that she would have a dream about them or their jewelry store.
As I begin to unfold some of the details of the dreams, the conformations, and the different dates, it is essential to note that none of the dates I have mentioned indicate when the earthquake will occur in San Francisco.
I do not know the exact date and am not seeking the Lord to tell me the exact time, but I know it is sooner than we want to believe.
If this is a judgment call from Almighty God, it can come any day, according to His will.
Let’s take Rhea’s first dream, which was the most troubling dream for my daughter because it was spelled out across the blackened sky in English.
The candy cane-colored letters, which seemed to sparkle with light, stretched out on this seemingly ominous, opposing black sky. Two views of insight wanted her undivided attention.
It was like Peter, walking on the water toward the Light of the World, but when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, beginning to sink, he cried, Lord, save me. (Matthew 14:30)
In the dream, Rhea panicked because she had nothing to write with and knew that the Lord was giving her a very important message quickly drifting away.
While the ominous black sky broadcast a message of things to come, the message spelled out across the sky with letters of light was even darker and more compelling to recognize: GAME OVER, NO MORE MERCY.
This would be an appropriate time to help you understand how dark the message is if we can, just for a moment, imagine God Almighty altogether withholding His mercy from America.
I do not have the time to formally treat the subject of mercy, but I will touch on it enough for you to know that God has been withdrawing His mercy from America for several years.
Because of the severity of God or His determination not to compromise with flesh, at one point, He will withdraw His mercy entirely from the nation because of its abominations.
God will not make any compromise with mankind short of repentance, ever!
The Bible is replete with warnings that He will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy, and He hardeneth whom He will. (Romans 9:15).
God will always have mercy upon His people and all that call upon His Son, Jesus Christ.
Even though the Apostle James tells us that the lord is very pitiful and full of tender mercy ( James 5:11), that does not negate the fact that God can and does withdraw His blessings and favor upon disobedient nations as He wills.
If you do not think God has been withdrawing His blessings from our nation, reading chapter 28 of Deuteronomy, which lays out the reality of God’s blessings and curses, will help you add up America’s scorecard. Moses authored the book, but the words came from God.
When I talked with my daughter about the dream, she understood the magnitude of the message and that it was a very ominous sign of things to come.
She did not understand what the snow on the ground represented.
Immediately, I remembered that it had snowed only once in the 60 years I had lived in South Florida, on January 19, 1977.
We lived in an apartment in Lake Park, Florida, when it snowed. I explained to Rhea that the Lord was making a statement about January 19, 1977.
The home in my daughter’s dream was my home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I purchased the home in 1980, and my children grew up there.
I explained to Rhea that we would have to wait on the Lord to see what He wants to convey about the issue with the snow in her dream. January 19, 2012, was only five months away.
After hanging up with my daughter Rhea, I called a young lady I know from the Old City of Jerusalem who is also like a daughter to me and has been a great help to the ministry. She has spent an amazing amount of time improving her typing skills.
I told her I had just received GAME OVER NO MORE MERCY from my daughter and then closed the conversation while she was at a friend’s home.
Five minutes later, I received a call from this young lady. She had walked over to her friend’s television, and next to the TV was a stack of DVDs.
When she looked at the DVD on the top of the stack, she saw its title was Game Over and knew immediately it was a confirmation of my daughter’s dream.
About thirty minutes had passed, and I felt led to call a very close friend who is like a family member and a minister of the Gospel.
We don’t have much time to talk because of our different schedules and time zones, but I felt I should share Rhea’s dream with him.
After I told him the dream, he replied, “I also had the craziest dream a couple of days ago and couldn’t figure out why I had such an insignificant dream.
This was his dream. He was young and still in High school. He was in his High school football uniform, number 56, and was at a football game.
The only thing he could remember was that he was looking at the scoreboard, and people were coming down from the bleachers and onto the field because the game was over.
He could not remember who they were playing, who won, or the score, but he could remember clearly that the game was over.
There have been many confirmations other than the two that I just mentioned.
I will give you just one more recent confirmation that My daughter received, and then I will try to explain a little bit about some of the processes the Holy Spirit uses, such as in the Twin Tower attacks on September 11, 2001.
I will also explain the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan and the Gaza war in 2008.
My daughter Rhea, her husband, and the children recently went on a mini-vacation to spend a few days with my son and his family, who live in Maitland, Florida.
It is a good time for my five grandchildren to spend time together and for my children and their spouses to take a break from their hectic work schedules.
After the three days, Rhea and her family were going to head back home to Palm Beach Gardens but decided to stop by one of the Disney World theme parks for a day so the kids could enjoy some of the rides.
Now they are at the park, waiting in one of many lines you must go through to get into any of the rides. While waiting in line, Rhea starts thinking about the revelation of the message: GAME OVER, NO MORE MERCY.
She said it was like a voice in her mind saying, “O, you didn’t see anything in the sky,” it repeated itself a few times.
Rhea recognized this as a ploy from Satan and that he was trying to get her to have some doubt about the message that she had seen.
This is one of Satan’s most excellent tools to get you to doubt something God has clearly said. Rhea spoke to that thought and said, “O no, Satan, I know exactly what I saw!
Just as Rhea had silenced this doubtful thought, she looked to her right, where another line of people entered the same attraction. She saw a boy further ahead in the line than she was, wearing a T-shirt with six words across the back of his shirt: GAME OVER, GAME OVER, GAME OVER.
God is not the author of confusion, and He quickly rewarded my daughter’s obedience in resisting the devil’s lie.
I was confident that the first part of this dream had been established through multiple conformations.
I knew that the Lord was dealing with me first about another significant earthquake in the world. Then, after I had fully engaged in the new prayer mandate for the peace of Jerusalem, He revealed to me that the earthquake would be on the West Coast of the United States.
Although this dream about “GAME OVER NO MORE MERCY” didn’t indicate an earthquake, I was sure there was a significant reason for the snow event on 1/19/1977.
Four days later, while I was contemplating the entire dream and thinking about an earthquake on the West Coast of the United States, my daughter contacted me to tell me she had another dream.
Rhea couldn’t understand the dream’s relevance to anything associated with or connected to her first dream four days earlier, but she felt compelled to tell me the dream.
She explained to me that the dream was strange enough, and she didn’t know what it meant, but she thought it was even stranger that she had a dream about these two people she knew casually but hadn’t seen for over 20 years.
She said they were a charming, attractive, and wealthy young couple who owned a jewelry store on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach.
Rhea said that at one point in her career, she was on a fashion board with Nancy, the head of this board.
This fashion board was created to celebrate the New Palm Beach Gardens Mall opening in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Rhea was only involved with the board for several months but knew nothing about the jewelry store then and had never personally met Nancy’s husband.
Only sometime later, after Rhea started working on Worth Avenue, did she see Nancy again, meet her husband, and learn that they owned Richter’s Jewelry store.
After Rhea told me about the dream, I asked her the jewelry store’s name, and she replied, “Richters.” I said, Rhea that represents an earthquake!
Once I said earthquake, she said, “Why didn’t I get that?” I said, “Because it was for me.” The jewelry store owners were Stefan and Nancy Richter.
I have never known anyone with the last name Richter. Whenever I hear the name Richter, it is always associated with the Richter scale, which measures the intensity of an earthquake.
Charles Richter worked on this project in partnership with Beno Gutenberg while both were at the California Institute of Technology.
Now, with the knowledge of both of my daughter’s dreams in concert and many other confirmations in the pipeline, there was a definite theme that the Lord was transmitting.
Nevertheless, it would still take almost five months of praying and waiting to receive the clarity of a published message.
After many conversations with intercessors and reports from others, I never felt comfortable publishing the date in writing as a clear trumpet blast from the Throne Room of God Almighty.
Also, an earthquake somewhere on the West Coast of the United States or the exact time God withdrew his mercy from America was unclear.
Nevertheless, I have no fear in stating that, while in prayer on the afternoon of 1/19/2012, I heard the unmistakable voice that I have followed for almost 32 years say, “The earthquake is going to be in San Francisco.”
No, I do not know the exact date; as I have said in prior statements, I am not seeking the precise date.
There could be earthquakes before or after the San Francisco earthquake, but the Lord has only spoken to me concerning the earthquake that will affect San Francisco.
Hopefully, you are starting to see how God reveals things to those who wait upon Him through a process that takes faith, patience, perseverance, and, often, research.
Without even delving into dream # 2, where God used the name Richter, we can now see that God had already couched within the snow in dream #1, the very date He would reveal the exact location of the earthquake.
You must realize that God can not be put into a box or a framework, and we can demand something to happen.
With God, things only happen in the fullness of his time and according to His will.
Understanding that God is not obligated to make something happen is imperative because I have opened that window.
Just like 1/19/2012 was a prophetic date God used further to unveil the earthquake’s location in San Francisco, 4/10/2012 could be another fold in the picture.
I am not an earthquake prognosticator who uses many signs, such as how close the moon is to passing the Earth at a set time and whether it is a full moon. Have there been any big fish kills or beaching of whales? Animals, in general, seem to sense irregular movements of the earth.
Nevertheless, none of this negates that just as 1/19/2012 had a prophetic significance to me, 4/10/2012 will also be a relevant time for the Lord to show me something.
I do not ask the Lord to show me disasters, but He has shown me things that were in the future, sometimes with a date and sometimes just a season, to warn and sometimes to behold.
When He showed me two tall buildings in New York City on 9/13/94 and said serious fire alarm, I recorded the dream as I have done with hundreds of other dreams.
When He told me in January of 2001 that New York was getting ready to be attacked, I noted it.
When He spoke to me on September 4, 2001, that “something very explosive was getting ready to take place,” I called my Pastor, Ruben Adkins and told him what the Lord had just spoken to me.
I remembered pacing the floor Monday night, interceding and thinking, “What do I do with this information?” but the Lord said nothing.
My daughter called me on the phone Tuesday morning. She told me to turn the T.V. on, and I saw the second plane crash into one of the towers.
When I looked back at the dream of 9/13/1994, I saw it was the 2nd Tuesday of September. The Twin Towers were attacked on 9/11/2011 on the 2nd Tuesday of September, precisely seven years later.
I remembered having a very ominous dream sometime in early September and even felt I should tell the dream the next time I was preaching at the church.
The dream took place in a large field of many square miles. It was dark, and I could see many emergency vehicles with their emergency lights going around.
I saw that the sky was jet black with a billowing Barrel cloud about 200 feet above my head.
Suddenly, a voice with great authority emerged from the cloud and said, “Warning, Florida Panhandle, Warning, Florida Panhandle.” “
I was soon leaving for Israel to fulfill a prayer mandate. Still, before leaving, I stood behind the pulpit again and reminded the church that there would be an emergency in the Florida Panhandle, and it had something to do with Yom Kippur.
I left for Jerusalem and was in the intercessory prayer mandate when I received a fax from a lady at our church familiar with the dream I rehearsed from behind the pulpit before leaving.
The fax related that a powerful hurricane named Opal had entered the Gulf of Mexico, and no one was sure where it would land. However, on Yom Kippur, October 4, 1995, it made landfall in the Florida Panhandle.
Initial estimates were about 3 billion dollars in damages.
In late December 2008, the Lord appeared to me in a dream as I knelt in the Old City of Jerusalem, surveying the damage to a broken-through fence.
I immediately thought of the scripture, which says that God looked for a man to make up the hedge and stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30), but He found none.
I surveyed the damage to the fence and said, “This is going to take a professional.” I looked to my left and standing right by Christ Church in the Old City of Jerusalem; I believed it was the Lord, clothed in a white robe, who looked directly at me and said, “Just Pray.”
I arrived in the Old City of Jerusalem at 7:30 P.M., prayed, and went to bed. When I woke up the following day, 200 missiles had already come into Israel, and the Gaza war was on.
Time would fail me to tell you how many things the Lord showed me before they happened, not only me. Many people receive dreams and visions of future events. Everyone does not have a platform.
I am not a geologist or a meteorologist and have no scientific credentials to convince the world that an earthquake is coming to San Francisco.
I am an intercessor who prays and waits on the Lord. I sound the alarm so that people can prepare to encounter the creator of Heaven and Earth. Yesterday is a canceled check, and tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the day of salvation.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should have not to perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16-17
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thy heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Romans 10:9-10
Yes, I used the prophetically inspired date of 04/10/2012 to close a natural seismic window concerning an earthquake that would occur in the San Francisco Bay area.
Nevertheless, if you read this article thoroughly, you would know that I went on to say that I did not know the exact date the earthquake would occur, nor was I seeking to understand the date.
I stated that I was sure that 04/10/2012, the middle of Passover, could just be used as an unfolding of something prophetic.
The only thing I knew for sure concerning the earthquake was what the Lord said to me on January 19, 2012, while I was in Jerusalem, praying that the coming quake would affect the San Francisco Bay area, including the Golden Gate Bridge.
Before January 19, 2012, I only knew that an earthquake was coming to the United States’s West Coast. If you read the “The Countdown” page, you will see how prophetic the date 04/10/2012 would become.
You should also read the prayer directives on this website and realize that many intercessors are praying and interceding for a triple measure of God’s grace upon America. There are people around the globe who are making up the hedge and standing in the gap for America.
Here in Jerusalem, we entered into the Jewish New Year called Rosh Hashanah on the evening of September 16, 2012. These are the High Holy Days, Days of Awe. These are the last ten days of the 2,584-hour intercessory prayer mandate, which began on July 1, 2011.
The tension in Israel is building, and there is a lot of activity taking place with the military trying to prepare for every contingency in the wake of a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
While the threat of war with Iran is genuine, I cannot deny the fact that the Lord has been showing me very clearly in prayer that the United States is facing challenging times.
With same-sex marriage now the law of the land as of June 26, 2015, and a nuclear agreement being pushed through as a good deal, we are in dangerous times. America, it is time to pray!
While my prayer is for the peace of Jerusalem and the Jewish Community in France, I still love the country I was born in and the country my children, grandchildren, and family members reside in.
I am to start a new intercessory prayer mandate on October 10, 2012, which will end on Rosh Hashanah on September 25, 2014.
The above intercessory prayer mandate, which consisted of 4088 hours of intercession, was completed in Nice, France, on September 25, 2014.
I have been in Nice, France, since August 10, 2016, to fulfill the most recent 800-hour intercessory prayer mandate, which began on August 15, 2016, and will be completed on December 30, 2016. This prayer mandate has been completed.
I am in a 300-hour intercessory prayer mandate, which will be accomplished from March 1, 2017, through May 23, 2017. This mandate will occur in the U.S., France, and, Lord willing, possibly in Jerusalem, Israel.
I returned to Jerusalem in 2018 to visit with friends and to close any loose ends from the apartments that I had at the “Windows over Jerusalem,” where I had several different apartments since 2011.
I also had several hotel suits in Paris and Nice, France, where much of the intercessory work for the House of David in France was accomplished.
It was not until September 2019 that the Lord told me that I had to be in Paris to complete a 10-day to 70-hour intercessory prayer mandate. The last day of prayer was the last day of Hanukah, December 30.
I did not question the Lord’s request and immediately booked a direct flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Paris. I reserved a room at the familiar Golden Tulip Hotel, minutes from Charles de Gaulle Airport. I arrived back in the States on January 2, 2020.
More to come:
You would have to be living on another planet not to know that America, as a once-great nation, is in a death spiral due to its deteriorating moral fabric and its rebellion against everything that God commands.
The Divided State of America nationally is getting ready to fall under the weight of abominable sins.
Jesus said, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand” Mark 3:24
Nevertheless, Jesus still plans to compel believers to believe that they will never see death but will be transformed in a twinkling of the eye. The rapture will accompany a global earthquake, which is not foreign to scripture.
Jerusalem is the prophetic time clock of all prophecies and should be considered with every prophetic event.
Every Hebrew day comprises 1/2 of one day and half of the preceding evening. “And God called the light Day, the darkness he called Night.
“And the evening and the morning were the first day.” Genesis 1:5
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14
More to come soon: